Download Soplang

Get the latest version of Soplang for your operating system and start coding today.

Latest Release: v1.2.0

Released on October 15, 2023 |View Release Notes

Download Now

Choose Your Platform


Version 1.2.0 (24.5 MB)

Installation Instructions:

  1. Download the Windows installer (.msi file)
  2. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions
  3. Add Soplang to your PATH if not done automatically
  4. Open Command Prompt or PowerShell and type 'soplang --version' to verify installation
Download for Windows


Version 1.2.0 (22.8 MB)

Installation Instructions:

  1. Download the macOS installer (.pkg file)
  2. Open the installer package and follow the installation wizard
  3. Alternatively, use Homebrew: brew install soplang
  4. Open Terminal and type 'soplang --version' to verify installation
Download for macOS


Version 1.2.0 (20.2 MB)

Installation Instructions:

  1. For Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install soplang
  2. For Fedora: sudo dnf install soplang
  3. For Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S soplang
  4. Alternatively, download the tarball and extract it
  5. Run './configure && make && sudo make install' from the extracted directory
  6. Verify installation with 'soplang --version'
Download for Linux

Install via Package Managers

Soplang can also be installed using various package managers:

pip (Python)
pip install soplang
npm (Node.js)
npm install -g soplang
Homebrew (macOS)
brew install soplang
Chocolatey (Windows)
choco install soplang
docker pull soplang/soplang:latest

Source Code

Soplang is open source. You can access the source code on GitHub:

GitHub Repository
View on GitHub
git clone

System Requirements


  • Windows 10 or later (64-bit)
  • 4GB RAM minimum
  • 500MB disk space
  • Internet connection for package installation


  • macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or later
  • 4GB RAM minimum
  • 500MB disk space
  • Internet connection for package installation


  • Modern Linux distribution (Ubuntu 20.04+, Fedora 34+, etc.)
  • 4GB RAM minimum
  • 500MB disk space
  • Internet connection for package installation